
This site was created because I have had so many people say the same thing.  (Hey Anthony how do you do this?)  (Hey Anthony take a look at this.)  (Hey Anthony what should we do?)  You get the point.  I can fix almost anything.  It sounds stupid, but it’s true.

I am Anthony Xavier an automotive mechanic in Phoenix, AZ.  I am a ASE Master Tech, with L1 advanced diagnostics and service consultant experience.  I have a military background and I have fixed a lot stuff during my mechanical career.  Hey, I enjoy what I do and I like helping clients keep the most important thing they own, “daily transportation” in good working order.

The very first time I used my dad’s tools, I was 8 years old.  Yes, I got in trouble.  I took apart his Honda motor cycle, Oops…  Let’s just say, I did not do that again.  Many of the things I know today happened because I just jumped in with both feet.  More importantly I stay with the job till it is done.

copyright: All rights reserved @ HeyAnthonyAZ.com 2013